“But the Word which they heard did not profit them,
not being mixed with faith..."
Hebrews 4:2
The scripture in Hebrews 4:2 is referring to when the children of Israel refused to enter into the Promised Land because of their unbelief. After the twelve spies returned from spying out the land in Canaan, ten of them came back delivering an evil report, announcing that not only were the cities large and fortified, but also there were giants in the land. Consequently, the children of Israel chose to believe that report instead of the report of the Lord, who had declared that He had given them the land of Canaan. (Numbers 13:2) The Word given by the Lord did not profit them because they chose not to mix it with faith, but rather, chose to believe what they heard from the ten spies and thus entered into unbelief.
Similarly, the Lord has given us His Word that by the stripes of Jesus, we were healed. (1 Peter 2:24) When we are facing what seems to be a giant health challenge, inevitably there will be a temptation to believe what you can see or feel rather than what the Lord has said. Yes, your challenge is real, you can feel it and see it in your body, the lab results are unfavorable and the doctor has given you "an evil report." But, if you want to enter your Promised Land of health and wholeness, endeavor to keep your focus on the Word exclusively. Proverbs 4:20-22 counsels us to keep our eyes and ears on the Word only.
We have a choice - we can either believe what it looks and feels like, or we can believe what God's Word says. It's not unusual for these two to conflict. The Israelite's chose to focus on the fortified cities and the giants rather than what God had promised them ~ and they never entered the Promised Land. We can either focus on what God's Word says or the physical evidence that is contrary to the Word. Whichever you choose will have dominion over you. What you focus on; you become. (Proverbs 23:7) Choose to magnify the Word of God in your life until it becomes your dominating thought.
Allow the truth of His Word to become the overwhelming truth of your heart. Let the truth of the Word overflow from your heart into your body. Mix the Word with faith and soon you'll be entering your Promised Land of health and vitality!
Today I will focus on the Word only and not on my physical symptoms. No matter what I see or feel, the overwhelming focus of my heart will be what God says about my circumstances. I will mix the Word with faith and enter into my Promised Land of health, healing and wholeness!