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Writer's pictureJ.Lynne

You Need Endurance

“For you have need of endurance,

so that after you have done the will of God,

you will receive the promise."

Hebrews 10:36

If you're reading this post, chances are you or a loved one need healing. You've prayed, fasted, had others pray for you, and are believing ~ yet it seems like nothing is happening. The scripture above tells us that to receive the promises of God, you will have need of endurance. The word endurance means 'the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful activity.' While scripture tells us He heals all our diseases - unfortunately it isn't always instant. (Psalm 103:3)

If you've been standing on God's Word for your healing for a length of time, you're in good company. Abraham, often referred to as the father of our faith, stood for many years on what God had spoken to him before he received the promise of his son Isaac. From the start it was an impossible situation. He was well up in years, as was Sarah his wife, when first given the promise that he would be the ‘father of many nations’. On top of that Sarah was barren and had never been able to conceive a child during her childbearing years. Despite all odds, as the years passed Abraham believed God, did not consider his aging body but instead gave glory to God - fully persuaded that God would make good what He had promised. You know the end of the story ... at the age of ninety-nine he and Sarah conceived and gave birth to Isaac!

We can learn from Abraham's account how to endure as we stand steadfast on the promise of God for our healing. God is a faithful Father and what He has promised will come to pass. His Word will never fail. (Luke 1:37) Abraham believed God. In like manner we must believe God no matter what challenges we are facing. Abraham refused to consider his aging body or that of Sarah's. He considered only the Word God had spoken. Similarly, determine to magnify God's Word above the symptoms in your body. Refuse to consider anything that is contrary to the Word. And lastly, following Abraham's example - give glory to God. Praise Him day and night for fulfilling His promise to you. We are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 to rejoice always and continually give thanks.

No matter how long it takes, you can be assured that just like Abraham, your miracle is on the way. Don't give up. Don't quit. Know that as you hold on to the promise with tenacity, endurance, and steadfastness - you will receive the promise of health and wholeness!


Today, I choose to fortify myself with the Word of God. I will magnify His Word above any symptoms my body is conveying to me. Like Abraham, I refuse to consider my body, and I will give glory to God for healing me and making me whole!

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