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Use Your Words to Create

Writer's picture: J.LynneJ.Lynne

“...God, who gives life to the dead

and calls those things which do not exist as though they did."

Romans 4:17

An often-misunderstood law of faith among believers is that of 'calling things that be not as though they are.' Many Christians cry out for years for healing; never realizing that part of God's healing covenant is that of calling our healing done; even before it is manifest in our bodies - according to His Word. As we study God's Word, we realize that God never does anything without first declaring it. Ezekiel 17:24 asserts: "For I am the Lord. I speak, and the Word which I speak will come to pass; it will no more be postponed; ... I say the Word and perform it" says the Lord God.

In Romans 4:17 we read: "... God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which to not exist as though they did." God called Abraham 'the father of many nations' long before he became 'the father of many nations.' Abraham had the promise in his heart, in the spiritual realm, before he saw it in the natural realm. God called it done before it was manifested in the physical.

So it is with healing. Everything exists in two realms; the spiritual and the natural. God is a Spirit (John 4:24) and His perspective is always from the spiritual - the unseen realm. Calling things that be not as though they are involves looking at what is unseen and magnifying it above what is seen. (2 Corinthians 4:18) He calls your healing done, according to 1 Peter 2:24. He considers it done, even before there is a physical manifestation.

As His children, created in his image - He wants us to imitate Him. Following His example, before our healing is manifest in the physical realm, we call things that are not yet as though they were. If we want the power of God to work for us, it is essential that we proclaim and call forth that which He declares. When we want to change our condition, it is necessary that we proclaim the way God says they it is, not the way it appears. Call for health, wholeness, and strength in your body. Joel 3:10 encourages us: "Let the weak say, I am strong."

Instead of allowing your physical body to dominate you, acknowledge what is true in your spirit. Determine that God's Word is the final authority, despite evidence to the contrary. Start today to call those things which do not exist as though they did and watch the power of God's Word work for you!


In accordance with God's Word, I call my body healed and whole. I declare that I am strong and that I have a strong immune system, well able to defeat any pathogen coming against my body. My heart is strong. My lungs are strong. My pancreas is strong. My hearing is keen. I have sharp, clear vision. In every way, I declare that I am healed and whole and it is coming to pass in Jesus' Name!



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