“So the Word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed."
Acts 19:20
I love this verse; don't you? It's so encouraging! The definition of prevail is "to prove more powerful than opposing forces; to be victorious - to triumph." As the Word of God grows within your heart - it will prevail over any force coming against you! Cancer? Diabetes? Heart Disease? Weight Control? Lyme? Migraines? The Word of God has the potential to be more powerful and prevail over ANY force coming against you.
Jesus often likened the Word of God to a seed in the parables He told. In the parable of the mustard seed, (Mark 4:30-32) Jesus uses the illustration of the mustard seed as being one of the smallest of all seeds. Yet, when it is sown, it grows to be "greater than all herbs and shoots out large branches, so that the birds of the air may nest under it's shade."
So it is, when we sow the Word of God in our hearts. It can seem so tiny, so negligible when we plant it in our hearts ~ yet, if we will carefully tend and nurture the Word ~ it will grow mightily and prevail over any circumstance. It's far beyond our natural understanding to comprehend how planting the Word in our hearts can produce healing in our bodies. But, the Word assures us "He sent His Word and healed them." (Psalm 107:20)
Want the Word to prevail over your health condition? Find the scriptures that pertain to your need. These are easily accessible online (or email me and I will send you a list of my favorite Healing Scriptures). Your list can be one scripture or a hundred. What's important is for you to write these on your heart by meditating on them. (Joshua 1:8) One of the definitions of "meditate" is to 'mutter to oneself.' Speak your favorite scriptures to yourself day and night. Faith comes by hearing!
Equally important is the need to tend to your seed. Once sown, water it daily and prevent the weeds of discouragement, unbelief, doubt, and fear from taking root. The enemy will continually attempt to sow these weeds in your heart. Recognize them and pull those weeds immediately!
On a continual basis, endeavor to magnify the Word above your symptoms, and watch as the Word grows mightily and prevails in your body!
I am encouraged by the promise that as I sow the Word of God in my heart, it will grow mightily and prevail over my health challenge. As I proclaim God's Word out of my mouth, it prevails in my body! Thank You Jesus!