“Death and life are in the power of the tongue."
Proverbs 18:21
Most born-again believers are familiar with this passage from Proverbs. All throughout scripture we are admonished to be wise in our choice of words. Yet so many of us just speak without giving heed to this scripture. Do you find yourself describing your pain and symptoms when your girlfriend calls? Do you reiterate negative medical reports all day long? Words are powerful and have the ability to create. Out of your very mouth, the words you speak can create life or destroy it. The words we speak profoundly shape our lives whether we realize it or not.
In Deuteronomy 30:19, God declares: "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life." Your words can imprison you or empower you. So many of us, particularly women, have learned from an early age to speak negatively about ourselves. Somehow, we have learned that we don't measure up; that there's something wrong with us. Remember the childhood adage 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.' That's a lie! Words have the power to make us or break us.
Jesus clearly stated in John 6:63 that "My words are spirit and they are life." When we speak the Word of God over ourselves, over our bodies, we are speaking life. We should always strive to speak words that edify and bring life. I encourage you to speak words of life over whatever is ailing you. And speak death over those symptoms that do not belong to you as a child of God.
For example, if you have numbness in your feet you might say, 'I curse you numbness in the Name of Jesus Christ. I speak death to numbness and command you to leave my feet in Jesus' Name. And I speak life to the nerves of my feet. I speak health, healing, and wholeness to my feet in Jesus' Name. Feet, I bless you to function just as God created you to function.' It may feel awkward at first to speak over your body, but as you continue in faith, you will begin to see results. Aim to speak life over your body daily.
Purpose in your heart to fill your mouth with words of life. Endeavor to make your mouth 'a fountain of life.' (Proverbs 10:11) You will bear the consequences of your words, whether positive or negative. Use the words of your mouth to affirm, strengthen and edify yourself because life and death really are in the power of your tongue!
I choose to speak words of life over my body today. Despite negative doctors' reports, I speak health, healing and wholeness over my situation. God's Word always supersedes any other report! Speaking God's Word over my body brings life and wholeness to me.