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Writer's pictureJ.Lynne

Sow a Seed

"...and the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how."

Mark 4:27

Recently, I was planting some fall vegetable seeds in planters on my back deck. The seeds were so tiny that I needed to use tweezers to plant them. As I did, the parable in Mark 4:26 came to mind. This is where Jesus likens the Kingdom of God to a man sowing seed on the ground. The parable states that he sleeps by night and rises by day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how.

I likened my planting these minuscule seeds to how we sow the Word of God in our hearts. Jesus explains in Mark 4:14 how the seed is the Word and the soil is our hearts. At times, when sowing the Word of God in our hearts, those seeds seem so small in comparison to the magnitude of our health challenges. Just like the man who sowed his seed in Mark 4:27, we have no idea how that tiny seed of the Word that we've planted will sprout and grow.

Now, ten days later, my seeds had not sprouted. Nonetheless, every day I tended to those seeds; making sure they were watered and not overgrown with weeds. While it looked like nothing was happening, I was assured that beneath the surface, my seeds were growing strong vigorous roots. So it is when we plant the Word of God for healing in our hearts. Often we don't see the manifestation of our healing instantly. Yet, as we meditate daily on the healing scriptures, allowing them to penetrate deep into our hearts, and not allowing weeds of doubt, fear, and unbelief to take root, we know not how, but we can be confident that they will produce a harvest of health for us.

Just as I'm confident that my seeds will sprout and grow, you can be sure that when you plant the seed of the Word in your heart, you can expect a plentiful harvest. God's Word is the incorruptible seed. It will not and cannot fail. Acts 19:20 confirms: "So the Word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed."


I have planted the incorruptible seed of Word of God in my heart. I tend to it daily, and I know it will not fail me. As I wait patiently for my seed to sprout and grow, I can be assured that deep roots are being established and a harvest of health and wholeness are on the way!

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