“Where there is no vision, the people perish."
Proverbs 29:18
Close your eyes and look with the eyes of your heart and envision yourself, what do you see? Do you see yourself lame, crippled, in pain, not able to tend to your daily tasks? Do you see yourself weak, sick, lacking energy, diseased? Or do you envision yourself restored to health, whole, full of abundant life and energy? Faith for healing requires that we have vision for the end before it appears in the natural realm. God sees the end from the beginning. (Isaiah 46:10) God sees you as healed and whole; He remembers when He sent His Son to the whipping post to take your infirmities and bare your sicknesses. He sees you filled with the abundant life Jesus came to give you.
And He wants you to see yourself that way too. It's all too easy to be influenced by what you see, hear, taste, feel and smell; by what your physical senses are telling you, rather than what is true in your spirit. What we see by our eyes of faith must harmonize with heaven by agreeing with the Word. We as believers are to live in the realm of faith, far above what our five senses are telling us. Refuse to be governed by what your senses are conveying to you and instead choose of align yourself with God's Word.
It's a mistake to start looking at the outside of your body to see if you are healed. Everything you get from God shows up in your spirit first. It then flows into the physical realm. You've got to see it on the inside before you see it on the outside. Faith believes that it's already done before you will see it. Jesus has made you perfectly whole by His stripes. Can you see it? Can you see yourself doing what you couldn't do before? What you focus on you empower. Stop looking at what you see with your five senses and instead focus on seeing yourself healed and whole. In 2 Corinthians 4:18, Paul instructs us to "look not at things what are seen, but at the things which at not seen."
Start looking with your eyes of faith at what is true in the spirit. You become what you behold. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Magnify what is true in the spirit realm above what you see in the natural realm. What you focus on will dominate you. Whatever you continually focus on will eventually show up in your life. As you meditate on the Word your body will begin to respond to what you see and believe. Focus your attention on what's ahead of you, not what's behind you. Begin today to envision yourself how God sees you! See yourself healthy, strong, and whole!
Thank You, Holy Spirit, that You open the eyes of my heart so that I see myself healed and whole; just as God sees me. Give me vision to see myself doing things I'm not able to do right now, and then enable me to do them. I choose to magnify what is real in the spirit above what I see and feel in the natural.