“He brought me to the banqueting house, And his banner over me is love."
Song of Solomon 2:4
Ask any believer if God loves them and they will likely respond with an adamant "Yes! Of course!" They may very well have an intellectual knowledge of God's love for them, but many have not experienced an intimate revelation of His love. Because of this, many of us are hindered from receiving healing. It was God's love alone that paid the price for your healing through the sacrifice of His very own Son, Jesus Christ. God heals you because He loves you. His love for you is the power, through the Holy Spirit, that will destroy the sickness attacking your body.
Cease striving. Cease doing. Cease trying to earn God's love. He cherishes you and adores you just as you are. There's nothing you could do that would cause Him to love you any more or any less. As He gazes at you continually, He says you are amazing and beautiful. No matter your past or what you may have done ~ He wants you to know His love for you intimately. He longs for you to be 'rooted and grounded in His love.' (Ephesians 3:17) One of His greatest desires is for you to know the 'width and length and depth and height' of His love for you. (Ephesians 3:18)
God, as your true Father, wants you to continually receive revelation of who He is so that you can trust Him completely, no matter what. He invites us to rest daily in His arms of healing and love. Often, because of pain we have suffered in our early years, our emotions need to be healed before we are able to receive physical healing. Many of us grew up in homes where love was not adequately expressed or where we experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. God is an expert at healing these past wounds and revealing any lies we may have believed about Him or about ourselves and replacing them with truth. Knowing the truth will set us free.
You can rest securely knowing that God, your Father, will never fail you, no matter what you're going through. He never takes His eyes off you. He absolutely cherishes, adores, and treasures you. His banner over you is love. Faith is fueled by love. Intimately knowing His love for you can heal you and make you whole!
Today, I determine to walk in your love for me Father. You are good and only good and want me to walk in perfect health. Holy Spirit, I ask you to give me a greater and greater revelation of how much I am loved and cherished by my Father. As my awareness of His love for me grows ~ I can rest, knowing that I can fully trust Him.