“Fight the good fight of faith...”
1 Timothy 6:12
Who would have thought that we as believers would be encouraged to fight? Although a much overlooked, yet fundamental principal in our Christian faith; it is an essential doctrine in the life of the believer for success and victory. If we are to overcome and prevail in our Christian walk, we will indeed need to fight. It's not a physical fight. It's not a fight with our friends, our family or our neighbors. No - it's a faith fight. It's a fight to stand in faith on the Word of God - no matter what. As we lay hold of our inheritance through Jesus Christ for the healing of our bodies, we can expect a fight; that is, we can expect to encounter spiritual resistance and opposition.
Through the New Covenant, God has given us by grace - salvation, healing, and deliverance through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We, nonetheless, will need to fight the good fight of faith in order to possess our inheritance. We will likely encounter resistance from our adversary, the devil. Is this always easy? Can we expect smooth sailing? No indeed! What God has given us by grace; we possess by faith. Short of a miracle by the hand of God, there's no other way.
Possessing the land the Lord had given them was not without resistance for the children of Israel. After forty years of wandering in the wilderness, Joshua led the Israelite's to cross over the Jordan and enter into Canaan - the Promised Land. In spite of the fact that the Lord had given the land to them, even so, there was an ensuing fight to possess what was rightfully theirs. Although the land belonged to them, not one city was taken without a fight.
Similarly, as you endeavor to possess your inheritance of healing; you will need to fight the good fight of faith to enjoy it. This is the time that 'your faith will be tried as fire.' (1 Peter 1:7) These spiritual assaults against your faith can be anticipated; don't let them alarm you, surprise you, or dishearten you. Be prepared and stand your ground in victory.
Ephesians 6:13 encourages us to 'Stand, and having done all, to stand.' As you stand strong on the Word of God, refusing to back down, surrender, or quit; you will emerge victorious! May we all aim to be a people who will keep the faith, remaining steadfast under every trial and storm that comes our way!
Holy Spirit, thank you that you dwell within me enabling me to stand strong against every attack of the evil one. I know that by the stripes that Jesus took on His back, I was healed. Help me to hold fast to my confession in times of adversity. I refuse to back down or quit, no matter what comes against me. I declare I have the victory through Jesus Christ!