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Writer's pictureJ.Lynne

Fear Will Sink You

“But when he saw that the wind was boisterous,

he was afraid; and beginning to sink...”

Matthew 14:30

If you're anything like me, you can readily identify with Peter's dilemma. Things are going along smooth sailing; you're focused on the Word of God steady and unwavering. Then suddenly things change. Your symptoms increase or get worse. The doctor's report is going in the wrong direction. You take your eyes off the Word and start looking at things in the natural and boom; you begin to sink into a sea of defeat, discouragement, and despair.

The story of Peter walking on the water in Matthew 14:22-33 is a perfect illustration for us of the absolute necessity of keeping our eyes and attention fully focused on Jesus and the Word when in the midst of a storm. Paraphrased, the story goes like this: Peter and the disciples were in a boat in the middle of the sea when a storm arose. The wind was contrary and they were being tossed by the waves. In the middle of the night, thinking it was a ghost, they saw Jesus walking towards them on the water. Peter called out to Jesus, saying: 'If it's you, command me to come on the water.' Jesus responded, "Come." Peter, then, stepped out of the boat and walked on the water. Subsequently he took his eyes off Jesus; commenced to look at the wind and the waves, became afraid and began to sink.

This story emphasizes the importance of being laser focused on Jesus and the Word in the midst of a storm - a health challenge. There is always the temptation to look at things in the natural and to entertain thoughts of doubt, unbelief, and fear. Your adversary, the devil, will do everything he can to distract you and get you to take your eyes off the solution - the Word of God.

Remember, it was when Peter shifted his attention to his circumstances, that he became afraid and began to sink. As much as possible, we must ignore the devils' attempts to bully or distract us. We must be intentional to remain steadfast and guard our hearts and minds against his lies and deception. Resolve to magnify the Word of God in your life until it becomes the focus - not your physical symptoms. The winds may blow, the waves may be contrary, but if you will determine to ignore the raging storm surrounding you, you will walk on the water. Anchor your heart to the Word; resolve to stay focused on the One who has the power to still the storm!


Today, I resolve to look steadfastly towards the Word of matter what my body looks like or feels like. I refuse to be bullied by the lies or deceptions of the enemy. My focus will not waver, but will remain steady on the Word of God that declares I've been healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ.

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