“...And having done all, stand..."
Ephesians 6:13
Paul instructs us in Ephesians 6:13 that when we have done all according to the Word of God, and it seems like nothing is happening and it appears that we are defeated - to STAND. When you are standing on the Word of God and encounter forces arrayed against you, and you simply don't know what else to do; just stand.
When recovering your health, with little or no outward sign of progress, there will be an inevitable temptation to surrender, become passive, discouraged, sit down or simply quit. That's exactly what the enemy intends. Nonetheless, this is the very time you will need to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit within to strengthen you. Exodus 14:13 encourages us: "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord..." Amid the battle when you feel most vulnerable, it is crucial that you stand, immovable on God's faithful Word.
Acknowledge that you are not in this battle alone; always remembering that the Greater One lives and abides inside of you. As God said to Joshua, so He would say to you: "No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life...I will never leave you or forsake you." (Joshua 1:5)
Throughout your healing journey, as the opposing forces barrage you with the fiery darts of doubt, fear, unbelief and defeat - you must remain steadfast and unshakable. The enemy can be relentless with thoughts like: "You may as well give up; this isn't working. Can't you see this is getting worse, not better. Aunt Betty died of this, and you will too. This is impossible; you will never get well." Recognize his voice? Satan's ultimate motive is to weaken your resolve so that you will give up. The struggles you are facing are not to be minimized; they are real, undeniable, and powerful. Standing on God's Word in the midst of a battle is not for the faint of heart or acquiescent.
It takes strength of character, courage, fortitude, persistence, tenacity, and endurance to stand. I encourage you - you've got this. You are not standing alone. The Holy Spirit within has equipped you for this battle. No matter how long it's been, or how fierce the battle, or how seemingly impossible your situation - there is healing for you. Jesus has already won the battle for you. Don't give in. Don't give up. Having done all ~ STAND!
I refuse to give up or give in. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He has defeated the devil and all the symptoms of sickness and disease. As long as it takes, I will continue to stand on God's unshakable Word. In Christ, I cannot be defeated. I have the victory! I will forever stand on the Word that says I have been healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ!